Hocking Hills Serenity
Cabins & Lodges
Hocking Hills Serenity's custom built cabins are located next to several area amenities throughout the Hocking Hills, several of our cabins are located on the same roads, making it easier for guests to reserve more than one cabin for larger gatherings.
at our Cabins is 3:00 p.m.
at our Lodges is 4:00 p.m.
for both Cabins & Lodges...11:00 a.m.
Below are a few area links and general information we've gathered up to help you plan your visit to the area, we hope you find them useful and hope to see you soon! For additional information please call
740-380-9998 or

Hocking Hills Serenity Hills Cabins - Locations on the map
A = Hocking Hills Welcome Center - A great place to pick up brochures and to gather additional area information
B/C = Rocky View Lodge / Snuggle Inn
D = sold
E = Grand Valley Lodge
F = Hidden Valley Lodge
G = Old Man's Cave (state parks main address)
H/I = Leaning Tree / Hunters Retreat
J/K = Cospetto / Piccolo
L = Hocking Hills Golf Course and Restaurant
M = Rockbridge (Flea Market, Canopy Tours area)
A = Hocking Hills Welcome Center - A great place to pick up brochures and to gather additional area information
B/C = Rocky View Lodge / Snuggle Inn
D = sold
E = Grand Valley Lodge
F = Hidden Valley Lodge
G = Old Man's Cave (state parks main address)
H/I = Leaning Tree / Hunters Retreat
J/K = Cospetto / Piccolo
L = Hocking Hills Golf Course and Restaurant
M = Rockbridge (Flea Market, Canopy Tours area)